Social Outreach
Committee Chair
Alvina Jones-Allen
The Social Outreach Committee develops and implements community outreach programs, services, and activities that address social concerns within our community, specifically focused on outreach to women and children. As part of this effort the Committee supports existing organizations such as the Wilkins Avenue Women’s Shelter, Dorothy Day Place Shelter, Stepping Stone Shelter, Manna Food Center and other facilities and organizations that offer services to the homeless and disadvantaged.
The Committee partners with Manna Food Center of Gaithersburg, MD with the Smart Sack Program which is focused on addressing food insecurities experienced by school-aged children. Backpacks of food are provided weekly to eligible students at the Cannon Road Elementary School in Silver Spring.
The Committee partners with Manna Food Center of Gaithersburg, MD with the Smart Sack Program which is focused on addressing food insecurities experienced by school-aged children. Backpacks of food are provided weekly to eligible students at the Cannon Road Elementary School in Silver Spring.
Social Outreach Events
Wider Circle
MLK Day Outreach Event
Wider Circle is an organization the PVS- Section, Social Outreach Committee supports to provide individuals and families with essential needs as they transition from homelessness. Wider Circle believes “it matters what we do.” Sound familiar?
This year to celebrate MLK Day the Social Outreach Committee and members of the Section participated in the day of service and donated personal items and cleaning supplies. Times are challenging with COVID and the needs have increased in our community. Although, food insecurity is running rapid in our county. The committee wanted to focus on providing personal and cleaning essentials that are so hard to find. The committee continues to support families in the DMV area.
This year to celebrate MLK Day the Social Outreach Committee and members of the Section participated in the day of service and donated personal items and cleaning supplies. Times are challenging with COVID and the needs have increased in our community. Although, food insecurity is running rapid in our county. The committee wanted to focus on providing personal and cleaning essentials that are so hard to find. The committee continues to support families in the DMV area.
The Social Outreach committee participated with Souls to the Polls during two days of Early Voting and Election Day. We gave out snacks for three locations in Montgomery County (Marilyn Praisner Center, Wheaton Regional Library and Silver Spring Civic Center).
The committee gave over 350 snacks. We had members from the Social Outreach along with other PVS members that volunteered to distribute and assemble the bags. They also had outside volunteers as well including youth.
The committee gave over 350 snacks. We had members from the Social Outreach along with other PVS members that volunteered to distribute and assemble the bags. They also had outside volunteers as well including youth.
Stepping Stones Shelter!
The Social Outreach Committee has supported the Stepping Stones Shelter for several years with their Thanksgiving initiative. This year we donated six Thanksgiving baskets. The Social Outreach Committee shopped for the food and purchased laundry baskets. Ms. Simms delivered 6 thanksgiving baskets which included gift cards to Stepping Stone Shelter.